Welcome to Yama Bushi Dojo
YBD Enterprises, LLC
Welcome to Yama Bushi Dojo
YBD Enterprises, LLC
YBD Enterprises, LLC
YBD Enterprises, LLC
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Sensei’s Mia & Travis Parker
Sensei’s have discovered that the best teaching comes from teaching others. Sensei’s Parker believe that this endeavor will not only benefit your student, but teach them as well!
Karate translated either means "Chinese hand" or "Empty hand" depending on which Japanese or Chinese characters you use to write it.
Okinawan Karate styles tend to be hard and external. In defense they tend to be circular, and in offense linear. Okinawan Karate styles tend to place more emphasis on rigorous physical conditioning than the Japanese styles.
Both tend to be high commitment, and tend to emphasize kicks and punches, blocks, strikes, evasions, throws, joint manipulations and a strong offense as a good defense. Karate techniques consist basically of hand and foot techniques. Other important elements of Karate include stances, posture, body shifting, hip rotation, and breathing.
Karate did not originally develop as a military art to be used on the battlefield. It was never a sport, confined by rules, but developed as a no-holds-barred system to protect your life and defeat your opponent without discrimination, at all costs and by any means.
Training differs widely, but most of the Karate styles emphasize a fairly equal measure of basic technique training (kihon), sparring (kumite), and forms (kata). Forms are stylized patterns of attacks and defenses done in sequence for training purposes.
Achieving a level of growth in Karate increases health and vigor, in addition to developing self-defense. The discipline required for Karate development teaches hei jo shin, the presence of mind to be prepared to confront obstacles at any time. The obstacle may not be an aggressor. Challenges such as work related stress, raising your children, or worrying about how to pay your bills require the same mental fortitude developed in Karate practice.
An art of self-defense as well as a sport, Karate has in recent decades proliferated worldwide. It is one of the most widely practiced of the Asian martial arts, with a large following in the U.S., Japan and Europe.
"True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in critical times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice."
-- Gichin Funakoshi
The history of Uechi Ryu style of karate began in China. Kanbun Uechi, the founder of our style, left his home in Okinawa at the age of 19 to study martial arts under Shushiwa (shoe‐z‐wa). The Chinese name for the system he studied is Fawn-Nun or Pangai‐Noon (pwang‐ga‐noon), which means “half hard, half soft”. This represents a hard outer shell of muscle, while breathing to remain soft (relaxed, controlled) on the inside. Kanbun studied for 10 years with Shushiwa; from there he became a teacher. He was the first Okinawan to open a training hall in China. In 1940 Kanbun Uechi became a Grand Master in this style. In honor of Kanbun, after his death in 1948, his students changed the name from Pangai‐Noon to Uechi Ryu, (way‐chi‐roo), Ryu meaning “style”.
Kanbun Uechi's son, Kanei Uechi, taught the style at the Futenma City Dojo, Okinawa, and was considered the first Okinawan to sanction the teaching to foreigners. One of Kanei's senior students, Ryuko Tomoyose, taught a young American serviceman named George Mattson, formerly of Boston and now residing in Florida, who authored several books on the subject and is largely responsible for popularizing the style in America. Uechi Ryu emphasizes toughness of the body with quick hand and foot strikes. Several of the more distinctive weapons of Uechi practitioners are the one‐knuckle punch (shoken), spear-hand (nukite), and the toe kick (shomen geri). Because of this emphasis on simplicity, stability, and a combination of linear and circular motions, proponents claim that the style is more practical for self‐defense than most other martial arts.
Uechi Ryu was brought to the United States from Okinawa in 1958 by Sensei (teacher or instructor) George Mattson, who brought the 3 main kata’s (mold or form), arm pounding, and kumite (crossing hands), Today Mr. George Mattson is still very active in the Uechi community, and holds the highest rank here in the United States.
Uechi Ryu is principally based on the movements of animals: the Tiger, Dragon, and Crane. Uechi Ryu is a close-in method of self-defense that concentrates on the use of techniques unique only to this style.
Uechi Ryu is governed by a national federation, IUKF that regulates and certifies all black belt ranks.
We are extremely excited to announce that Sensei Darin Yee will be visiting Yama Bushi Dojo and conducting several classes during the week of September 2ndthrough the 5th. While our class calendar indicates that we were to be closed this week, we will run our regular class schedule this week to give all our students the opportunity to meet and train with Sensei Yee.
Why are we so excited about this? A little bit about Sensei Yee…
Sensei Yee was awarded the rank of JuDan (10oBlack Belt) in 2023 by the International Uechi-Ryu Karate Federation (IUKF).
Darin Yee began his martial arts journey under the tutelage of Master Chin in the White Crane Kung Fu style in 1958. In 1969 Sensei Yee was introduced to Uechi-Ryu by a group of friends that were studying at the Mattson Academy in Boston, Massachusetts. Sensei Yee has been in his words, “a loyal, avid student of Uechi-Ryu since that day.” While Sensei Yee has focused his training on Uechi-Ryu over the past 55 years, he has studied many other styles to experience and learn from them. Some of those styles include Hung Gar Kung Fu, Judo, Jujitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing, Choy Li Fut, and Chinese Weaponry.
In 2018 Sensei Yee became the successor of Sensei George Mattson as the President of IUKF. The IUKF is committed to supporting Uechi-Ryu practitioners throughout the world in their journey and ensuring a rigorous yet fair process for rank promotions.
Sensei Yee will be leading the following classes
Monday, 9/2/2024 (we will be open Labor Day)
Tuesday, 9/3/2024
Wednesday, 9/4/2024
Thursday, 9/5/2024
This class is open to Juniors and Adults. If the size of class outgrows the Dojo, we’ll go outside and practice. Be sure to bring suitable shoes to perform Karate if the class is held outside the Dojo.
While these are normal class times for most of these age groups, students are welcome to attend any or all the classes this week for their appropriate age group. We strongly encourage our students to take advantage of this opportunity to meet and learn from a master and leader of our style of Uechi-Ryu.
Perhaps you are a former student and haven’t studied in a while. We would love for you to come and meet Sensei Yee and rekindle your enthusiasm for this martial art style. There is no charge for these sessions other than a willingness to learn from a great teacher of all ages.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Sensei Travis (970-560-1322) or Sensei Mia (970-560-1391). We look forward to seeing you there and learning together!